Press Release Mizdah

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Mizdah Launch

Ogoul Technology, an advanced technology, and product development company is focused on advancing state-of-the-art social media and Digital Media applications. It has products like WorldNoor, KalamTime, CRM, and Mizdah – a secure Virtual Meeting platform.

“The Company is extremely happy and proud to announce the launch of Mizdah, the highly secure video communication platform that keeps your data 100% secure”, says Dr. Salah Werfelli the CEO.

Mizdah - The virtual video communication platform, is crafted for an amazing meeting experience and is the safest virtual meeting platform for individuals, small businesses, and enterprises including governments, financial institutions, and security agencies worldwide.

Mizdah understands your security and privacy needs and has robust in-built security features that prioritises secure communications so you can have an incredible meeting experience.

Mizdah is going to revolutionize the industry with its advanced security features so users have complete privacy and control of their data.

“Though Mizdah comes with advanced features like high-quality audio, video, screen sharing, large file sharing through chat, etc, absolute privacy and security is what differentiates it from its competitors”.

Mizdah comes with a risk-based authentication system and complies with the AES 256 bits standard, making your online video chats safer and more secure.

Early Bird Offer*

Mizdah is available on the web and on mobile as a web app, at a heavily discounted price for its first 490,000 users: as per the plan below.

For additional information on Mizdah, visit the website